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ExpressCare can now help you get abortion care and options counseling. We are here daily to help you with your health needs.

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Sexual Health

Sexual health has never been easier – talk with a board certified provider from the comfort of your home.


We are offering sexual health visits via telehealth. Receive counseling and education about sexual health concerns, symptoms, and safer sex practices in a confidential, stigma-free environment. Our providers will help with setting up any needed clinic visits for treatment and physical exams.

When should you use ExpressCare ?

  • If you have: itching, pain, discharge or burning.
  • You’ve had sex without condoms in the last three months, but haven’t been tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in that time.
  • You regularly have sex without condoms and you do not want to have a baby or get an infection.
  • You think you were exposed to HIV or other STDs.
  • Your partner told you they have an STD and you need treatment.
  • You have a diagnosed STD and you want your partner to get treatment.
  • You’re interested in PrEP or PEP (HIV prevention medication).

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis)

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a medication that can prevent you from contracting HIV, even if you are exposed. PrEP is covered by most health insurance plans and is available at low cost for uninsured individuals. If your exposure was less than 72 hours ago, PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) can prevent HIV infection. Contact ExpressCare right away to set up an urgent visit. If you’re interested, ask your provider about PrEP or PEP during your call, click here to learn more.

We do not provide ongoing birth control prescriptions, but can discuss preventing pregnancy after unprotected intercourse or after another birth control method fails.

What to Know About Your Visit

At your visit:

  • You’ll meet briefly with a telehealth agent who will connect you with your provider.
  • ExpressCare provides interpretation services in over 200 languages.
  • Your provider will ask about your symptoms and sexual encounters
  • Physical exams via telehealth are limited.
  • If indicated, your provider will connect you with in-person services you may need, including a physical exam and tests that may include providing a blood sample, urine sample, or other swab tests.
  • Follow-up calls, prescriptions and counseling may all be provided via telehealth.

Conditions & FAQ

Conditions We Treat

Click on each STD to learn more about it:

What should I do if my partner tested positive for an STD?

It will be helpful for you to know what STD they tested positive for, when they tested positive, and when you last had sexual exposure.

What if I need follow up testing or a physical exam?

You will be connected to an NYC Health + Hospitals in-person center.

Are services available for minors?

Services are only available to minors with parental consent or if the minor is emancipated.

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